5 razor hair removal tips you probably didn’t know about

5 razor hair removal tips you probably didn’t know about
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Every woman who takes care of herself regularly wipes her legs and armpits. However, it is worth knowing how to use a razor correctly to make hair removal more effective.

There are different ways of epilation – with wax, laser or sugar paste. However, the most popular method of removing unwanted hair is using a disposable or reusable razor and an electric one, i.e. an epilator. It is worth knowing how to use them properly to avoid irritation and cuts

1. If you use a disposable or reusable razor, remember about the blade

A disposable or reusable razor, the most popular and the cheapest one, should be sharp. Thanks to this you will avoid jams. It is the dull razor that can cut and irritate the skin. You should be aware that using this type of razor gives a short-lived effect – the hair is not pulled out, but “cut” right next to the skin. This is why hair may reappear after just 2 days and the treatment has to be repeated

2. Make sure to soften the hair before epilation – a must!

While epilating with a razor, it is essential to soften the hair properly. Use a variety of creams and foams that moisturize the skin and weaken the hair, making shaving more pleasant and easier. Besides, most of such cosmetics have soothing properties. It’s also a good idea to take a shower or a bath for a few minutes before epilation, as warm water is great for softening hair

3. Epilation… less often

As it turns out, the less often you shave, the better. Longer hairs are easier to remove, skin becomes stronger and less prone to irritation. Of course, in the summer it’s hard not to shave your legs, but in the winter it’s sometimes a good idea to hold off a few days so your skin can regenerate and rest

4. If you’re using a razor, you need to choose the right shaving direction

Many women use razors intuitively. And this is a big mistake! Well, the direction of shaving is also crucial – it should be in the direction of hair growth. It turns out that many people do the opposite, and this causes irritation. If you’re having a hard time removing hairs close to the skin, it’s a good idea to shave against the grain. You should never shave against the hair, as this contributes to redness and pimples, which cause burning and itchy skin

When epilating, it’s important to use long, steady but gentle strokes. If you’re shaving your legs, start at the ankles

5. Electric razor – use ice cubes so it doesn’t hurt

An electric razor, or epilator, is a device that allows you to get rid of hair for a longer period of time. Such equipment costs from several dozen to several hundred zlotys. More expensive models have cooling pads which minimize pain during epilation. After using an epilator hair grows back only after a few weeks as it is pulled out with the bulb

Many ladies are afraid of pain during this method of hair removal. A good trick is to use ice cubes in a commercial bag or in special bags. It is enough to cool the skin before applying the epilator to it and the pain will be much, much less. Remember that the longer the hair, the better. Pulling out short hairs will leave the roots intact and they will grow back quickly.

Read also Do you know how to get rid of cellulite effectively?

Main photo: cottonbro/ pexels.com

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